Office Holiday Party: COVID-19 Edition 

Office Holiday Party: COVID-19 Edition 

Like everything, the annual holiday office party will look unusual this year. Big events, large groups of people, and in-person office work have been denied and therefore, employers are considering new ways to celebrate offline and virtually.

Many argue that maximizing an opportunity to inject cheer in an otherwise difficult year is a must and on the other hand, many have canceled festivities altogether to ensure the safety of employees. But, as 2020 has demonstrated, in the face of agility a majority of companies have persevered and proved themselves resilient. Whether an office party or gift package, companies are experimenting and they have gotten very creative.

Here's what we’ve seen:

Cocktail Tasting Kits

In order to keep the holiday spirit alive and to take a company victory lap around the ever-challenging 2020 year, companies are serving alcohol to their perseverant employees. There are a variety of approaches companies have taken to draw an inclusive experience for participants. Some have shared a link to employees inviting them to select a pre-paid tasting kit which is then sent to their house and enjoyed over a company Zoom party. Others have sent out kits and held a Zoom call with a live bartender walking users through the tasting experience. 

Gift Boxes

Gift boxes are a safe bet to follow safety precautions and ensure the protection of employees. Companies have options to choose from a variety of themes whether it be stay-at-home or Christmas. Stay-at-home gift boxes have seemed to be most popular with companies providing all of the necessities to survive the lockdown comfortably. These boxes tend to include fuzzy socks, candles, blankets, you get it. 

Remote Secret Santa

If your office does an annual holiday Pollyana, it's quite simple to keep the tradition alive virtually. There are websites that propose to organize the entire process such as Elfster. You can set a budget, invite people to join, upload your wish list, and draw names to shop for your person. Companies can schedule a Zoom holiday party for the gift opening ceremony.

Holiday Crafts 

A lot of companies are doing craft sessions via Zoom to ignite the holiday spirit. Crafts can range from anything like making gingerbread houses or gift wrapping competitions. These events are optional as it’s no secret crafts may not be everyone's cup of tea. However, it's a great way to get some employee facetime and bring everyone together during what should be a happy, celebratory time. 


Some companies are taking the annual holiday party budget and donating it to a local charity. Employees are invited to participate in charity selection and propose recommendations. The charity that is most popular or widely agreed upon is chosen as the beneficiary. 

Employers have come out on top this year and managed to make some virtual holiday office parties sound like fun. In lieu of in-person office parties, companies have delivered exciting alternative ways to show their appreciation and conclude what has been a difficult 365 days.